Privacy Policy

This privacy policy applies between you, the user of this website and Million Dollar Vegan Inc, the owner and provider of this website referred to as ‘Million Dollar Vegan’, ‘we’ and ‘us throughout this policy. Million Dollar Vegan takes the privacy of your information very seriously. This privacy policy sets out the information processing activities Million Dollar Vegan carries out using the internet and other electronic communications networks. All personal information captured is processed in compliance with the requirements of the European General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679.

This privacy policy should be read alongside, and in addition to, our Terms and Conditions and Cookies Policy.

Please read this privacy policy carefully.

If you have any questions or requests concerning how we store or use your personal information, please contact us.

What information do we collect about you?

We collect statistical information when you visit our website, such as the pages you visit, the length of time you spend on each page, the type of device you are using (computer, mobile or tablet) and general geographical information. Please see our cookies policy for further details.

We also collect information you provide directly, such as your contact details, gender and current diet if you complete the Million Dollar Vegan sign up registration form or your donation details if you make a financial contribution.

In addition, we collect information on your preferences and interests.

Finally, social media activity plays a crucial role in achieving Million Dollar Vegan’s vision and so we may collect social media information, such as information provided by your Facebook profile.

Finally, we collect information to process donations, for internal record keeping, and so that we can follow up with you as part of our supporter care procedures.

Why do we collect this information?

We collect your information for a variety of purposes. There are specific examples below, but much of the information we collect helps us to build a relationship with you, so that together we can make a positive difference for people, animals and the planet.

Statistical information, such as the pages you visit and the length of time you spend on our site, is collected so that we can improve our website and create a better user experience.

Other information is collected so that we can provide you with resources, marketing, or a service you have requested. For example, if you register for our email series or free downloads, we need your first name and email address in order to send you the relevant support resources and details. With your explicit consent, we will also email you other marketing materials, such as news and appeals.

Details such as age group, current diet and social media information (among others) are collected to help us monitor trends in Million Dollar Vegan’s participation, build profiles of our supporters, understand your needs, personalise our communications, improve our products and services, and attract more support – all of which enable us to make a bigger impact for animals.

How do we collect information about you?

We collect information about you through the use of cookies, hyperlinks and online forms or you otherwise provide directly to us.

A ‘cookie’ is a file that a website stores on your computer which enables the website to collect information, so that it can remember your preferences and actions at a later time. Have a look at our cookies policy for details on the cookies Million Dollar Vegan uses and how you can delete them if you wish.

We also collect information via third party websites such as social media sites, like Facebook.

What do we do with your information?

We store most of your information – particularly details you provide on our online forms – on our Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, which is essentially a sophisticated database.

The CRM allows us to create reports of activity that show us trends in how our supporters are interacting with us, what is working well and what isn’t working so well.

We use your information to create email lists so that we can carry out marketing and deliver the information and services you request.

Sometimes we use your email address or information provided by your social media profile to find other people like you on social media who we can reach out to with our message – particularly people who may wish to take part in our vegan campaigns.

We use your information to create supporter profiles so that we can better understand our audience, what their interests are and the most effective ways to communicate.

We may combine this information with details such as your donation history to create more personalised communications and to ensure we are asking for an appropriate level of support from you.

If you’d like to opt out of your information being used in any of the ways detailed above, or if you’d like to withdraw your consent to receive marketing communications from Million Dollar Vegan, you can do so at any time by emailing us at or following the links in our emails.

Please note that we may store some data on electronic systems outside the European Economic Area (EEA).

These destinations may not have the same legal protections for personal data as you enjoy under EU law. We will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this privacy statement and data protection legislation.

When we transfer your personal data out of the EEA, we ensure a similar degree of protection is afforded to it by ensuring at least one of the following safeguards is implemented:

  • the countries we transfer your personal data to have been deemed to provide an adequate level of protection for personal data by the European Commission;

  • we use contractual clauses approved by the European Commission which give personal data similar protection to that which it has in the EEA; or

  • where we use providers based in the US, we may transfer data to them if they are part of the Privacy Shield which required them to provide similar protection to personal data that applies within the EEA.

Please contact us if you want further information on the specific mechanism used by us when transferring your personal data out of the EEA.

Who do we share your information with?

We never share or sell your information to any third parties to use for their own purposes without your express consent for us to do so.

How long do we keep hold of your information?

We only hold information about you for as long as it is needed for the purpose(s) it was collected, or as required by law.

If you have ever made a donation to Million Dollar Vegan, we will retain your information relating to your donation for six years after your last donation for tax and accounting purposes.

If you have never given us a donation, we will keep your information for no longer than two years since the last time you interacted with us (such as by attending a Million Dollar Vegan event, signing a petition, or opening an email from us). The exact time period will depend on the nature of your relationship with us and the purpose your information was collected for.

When it is no longer needed, it will either be deleted or anonymised. By anonymising data we are able to continue to use vital information supplied over the course of your relationship with us for reporting purposes and to track our progress over time, but without being able to identify you as an individual.

What legal basis do we use for processing your information?

Under European Law there must be a ‘legal basis’ for processing personal information in any given scenario. Most of the information processing carried out by Million Dollar Vegan falls under the legal basis of ‘Consent’ or the legal basis of ‘Legitimate Interests’, although there may be some information, such as financial records, that we are required to process to comply with our legal obligations.

We only carry out email marketing with your explicit consent to do so. If you sign up to our email series and to receive our free downloads you are giving consent for us to contact you in this way by entering your details on to the relevant forms.

However, we use Legitimate Interests to carry out analysis on the information we hold about you to inform our future communication plans.

The law stipulates that ‘Processing will be lawful if it is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller [Million Dollar Vegan] or a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests of fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject [you]’.

What this means in practice is that when we process data under the Legitimate Interests principle, we have considered how necessary that processing is for us as an organisation and how that processing might impact you.

As an example, we use web analytics to understand how you and other visitors interact with our website. Doing this doesn’t pose any significant risks or harm to you, but it does have demonstrable benefits both for you and Million Dollar Vegan, as it enables us to improve your website experience in future.

We also carry out analysis on responses to our emails and appeals, using performance indicators like how many people open and click on links in our emails. This helps us to improve and personalise our future communications.

Your rights

European law stipulates that you have ‘Individual Rights’ concerning how your information is stored and used by Million Dollar Vegan. To exercise any of your rights laid out below, please email us at

You have the right to access the personal information that Million Dollar Vegan holds about you. All you need to do is email us explaining what information you would like to receive. We may need to ask you for some details to verify that you are who you say you are, but we will be happy to help.

You have the right to be informed as to how your personal information is used. If you would like further clarification on any of the processes in this privacy policy, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

You are entitled to have your personal information rectified if it is inaccurate or incomplete.
You have the right to object to the processing of your information. In certain circumstances you also have the right to either have your personal information erased or to restrict the processing of it.

For example, where we are processing your information with your consent, such as for the purpose of marketing to you via email, you can withdraw your consent at any time (by contacting us at or using the unsubscribe link at the bottom of our emails). We will then stop using your data for this purpose.

Whether or not we completely erase your information will depend on the purpose of processing. There will be instances where we may restrict the processing of your information but would still need to hold your information on record.

You also have rights specifically related to ‘automated decision making’, of which ‘profiling’ is one example (and is highlighted in What do we do with your information?). If you do not want your information to be used by Million Dollar Vegan for profiling or any other automated decision making, please email us expressing your wishes.

Finally, you have the right to what is known as ‘data portability’. This means that you can obtain and reuse certain of the personal information we hold about you for your own purposes (allowing you to copy or transfer it).

Making a complaint

If you would like to make a complaint about the way Million Dollar Vegan uses information about you, please contact us directly at

Alternatively, you can raise a concern with the Information Commissioner’s Office or your local data protection supervisory authority. A full list of contact details data protection supervisory authorities in the EEA is available at

Other websites

We do not have any control over the websites of any other organisation outside Million Dollar Vegan. If you click on a link on our site that takes you to another website, we cannot be held responsible for your privacy when you are on that website.

Similarly, in instances where we have embedded content from third party websites or applications, such as videos from YouTube, Million Dollar Vegan cannot be held responsible for your privacy or how your data is used when interacting with that content.

Policy amendments

This Privacy Policy is subject to change from time to time. It was last updated in September 2019.

General information

Internet communications

In order to maintain the security of its systems, protect its staff and detect fraud and other crimes, Million Dollar Vegan reserves the right to monitor all internet communications, including web and email traffic, into and out of its domains.

Monitoring includes (without limitation) checks for viruses and other malignant code, and use or content that is unauthorised or unlawful or material that may cause offence in any way.

Registered Address

Million Dollar Vegan Inc.
133 East de la Guerra Street #396,
Santa Barbara, CA 93101-2228